Das Beste von Bulgarien entdecken: Top-Stätten zu besuchen
Bulgarien ist ein Schatzreich mit reicher Geschichte, lebendiger Kultur und atemberaubender Naturschönheit. Von den sonnigen Stränden des Schwarzen Meeres bis zu den schneebedeckten Bergen des Balkan-Reißes sind die vielfältigen Landschaften Bulgariens ein Fest für die Sinne. Mit einer Geschichte von über 6.000 Jahren verfügt Bulgarien über eine unglaubliche Reihe von antiken Ruinen, mittelalterlichen Städten und lebendigen Städten, jede mit ihrer eigenen einzigartigen Geschichte zu erzählen. Ob Sie ein Geschichtsliebhaber, Naturliebhaber oder einfach nur auf der Suche nach einem neuen Abenteuer sind, hat für jeden etwas. In diesem Leitfaden führen wir Sie auf eine Reise zu den besten Orten Bulgariens, die die versteckten Juwelen und Sehenswürdigkeiten erkunden, die dieses unglaub

The Botanic Garden of Balchik
Spent 3.5 hours exploring the botanical garden and palace. Not cheap to go in but lots to see. Hardly any signage snd a case of explore yourself. Trees have descriptions on. There is a cactus greenhouse. Plants generally looked healthy and colourful apart from the roses. Could be the heat. Interesting day out. Worth doing and suits all ages.
$ 12

Cape Kaliakra
Amazing place. A must visit. The scenery is breathtaking. Keep in mind that is winding - a hat or something to cover your head is mandatory if you’re sensible.

Ethno village Etar
A unique and well maintained open museum. I visited it as a child, and now, 40 years later it still is attractive. We tried sweets, Turkish coffee, and multiple other treats. The newly renovated central building had an amazing private collection. I bought a true leather belt made custom for me. The combination of history, artizan makers, old buildings, and atmosphere offers something for everyone. Highly recommend.
$ 8

Tsarevets Fortress
We visited again, this time in the summer, having first been there two years ago in the spring. Back then, the weather was pleasantly warm with trees in bloom. This time, however, it was incredibly hot. Despite the heat, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. The views were stunning and made it a fantastic spot for photos. The church tower offers a great vantage point when it's open. There's also a spot selling beer and water, which was a lifesaver on such a sweltering day.
$ 8

Ancient Theatre of Philippopolis
Absolutely breathtaking views of the city and the theatre itself. Really cheap to enter, and can just explore on your own..there is a downloadable guide which I couldn't master (being old haha) but just enjoyed getting to see what it would have been like in Roman times.. really loved it.
$ 4